вівторок, 16 вересня 2014 р.

Long Hat Journey. News 49

Good day! I have something important to say. As I promised my friend Hat and I will continue our adventure. Unfortunately, my friend Hat couldn't come today as long as he is too busy with his fans he got after our first story together. He became very popular though...
Instead he sent his budding hat..

And this hatmobile as well...

Que paso, amigo?*

*what happend, my friend? - spanish

What am I supposed to do now? My Friend Hat was a Teleport Hat,
and this one...

I definitely need a step by step instruction!

well, step by step, then step by step...off we go!

Everything seems to be fine, but I still feel uncomfortable...

Hey, Listen, you New Hat...

Oh, you are not a hat, you seem to be a....Nest...

Well, that explains everything and puts everything on its right place...

Now I can feel I can fly...

Almost...This hat is very naughty..

One more time...
I should stay focused...

Something important is still missing in this calmness of mind...
Of course!

"I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my biiiiiiiike..."

According to my Step tracker it is going to be a very long journey..

There is good news! When someone new suddenly appears in your life, hold the door, probably he came in the right time... 

Meanwhile, have a look at my First month life report

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