середа, 10 вересня 2014 р.

Life before...News 47

I'm two years old. Time flies fast like a bird outside. Look! Look! She's there!..Ahh...She left.....Well, it's time to write my own memories. It could be useful for other mommies and future mommies though...Of course I'm unique....as every kid in this world :) So, off we go! My first month of life. It was a nice early morning...

  • When I was born my weight was 3830g, height 54cm.
  • I heard my name right after first seconds of my life.  
  • I had been breastfed more than for one year. Precisely one year and three months. It was something incredible, I would highly recommend. 
  • Now, when I'm hungry, I just go to the fridge, open it, take something I would particularly  enjoy, usually it is milk and cheese, shut the fridge. During my first month for me it was enough to say "Aha-aha, Eh-Eh" or just simply cry out loud - crying was the best of my part- and my mom rushed to me to make me happy and full. 
  • I ate a lot, and burped a lot as well. Sometimes even like fountains.
  • I cried a lot, I was almost awake during the whole day long, if I fell asleep it was just a small nap for a while. I could just lie and watch around or study the ceiling. All details of our ceiling I can draw without any hesitations now. 
  • The story about infants sleeping for 18 hours per day turned out to be a fairy tale for my mom. 
  • On the other hand, I fell asleep exactly at 11 pm and didn't wake up till 3 am. Had my Nunch (night meal) and slept till 6 am. 
  • I enjoyed music a lot. I still love it, but prefer dancing when I hear it. The music made me feel calm and relaxed. When it was turned on our apartment had drowned with silence at least for a while.  But the most I enjoyed my dad's "Funny songs". My mom also sang for me.
  • My attitude towards taking bath was absolutely positive. Like my mom said, it seemed that I fell into a trance. Well, I really know....All I could do is just trying to relax as long as my bathtub was too small with lack of space for swimming. My parents used simple tap water for my bathing. 
  • Sometimes I smiled. All around said it was still unconsciously. Well, I really know... 
  • My parents changed my nappies 10 or even more times per day. 
  • We went for a walk on my fifth day. It was August and it was terribly hot outside. I think this heat also bothered me and made me feel uncomfortable. 
  • After a week I had a rash all over my sweet cheeks. I felt like a teenager. The doctor said that was because of transitory period. That means that they first come at this age not when you are 15-16. I would like to finish my 1 month report at this important moment.
How was it when you were just born?

Meanwhile, answer the Question

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