My dear Grandma and Grandpa! i'm doing fine here. I have just celebrated my 4th birthday and it was amazing. There were lots of balloons, pink decorations and presents. So i got a bike and Lego as a present. I very enjoy riding it and constructing different things.
Але найбільше я люблю розбирати всі фігурки по деталям: голова, волосся, руки і ноги. Щоб не губилися їх краще ставити ось так:
But most of all I like getting all pieces apart and together and see what I get at the end. I usually place the 'legs' and upper part on the top of the house so that they don't get lost.....or run away
Well, the heads should be kept this way:
Крупним планом:
For you to see it better:
Мої улюблені супергерої це Бетмен і Супермен:
My favourite figures are Batman and Superman:
На коробці написано: "Build something SUPER". Тобто треба будувати щось дійсно класне. Нема проблем:
It says "Build something SUPER" on the box where they came from. So I don't have any problem with that:
Інших теж стосується:
The rest ones also got creative:
Добре, тепер час спорту. Піду в теніс пограю.
Well, all done and it's time for sport now. Will go for tennis then.
Хороші новини є. З новими ідеями немає коли нудьгувати. Я вас цілую і обнімаю. Ваша онучка, Солька.
there is good news. new idea will never keep you bored. Hugs and kisses from me. Yours sincerely, Solka.
Мабуть на ланч спробую шось таке
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